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Alyeska Pipeline Benzene Trap #1


To: Secretary Deb Haaland

Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20240

CC: Joseph R. Biden, 46th President of the United States

Date: November 13th, 2022

Subject: Request for Intervention under Title 43/Chapter 34 Trans Alaska Pipeline

Severity: *HIGH*

Dear Honorable Deb Haaland;

In Alaska, due the fact that there exists an ongoing Dire Emergency with respect to negligent generation of “Benzene” as an air pollutant, through this correspondence in request that the Secretary of the Interior immediately intervene. In efforts to address and therefore arrest this “emergency” condition, wherein that position of authority granted the “Secretary” finds the power to act, through Congressional approval to perform such an intervention - even if in action it is considered interference by others through their inaction. Such action is required, due that inaction condoned by others through negligence that which is causing health regard harm to the population base those in harm’s way this “emergency” situation, with respect to the well-known adverse health effects from “Benzene” exposure fallout – both short-term and what appears to be the sad reality coming to light the effect of long-term over-exposure as a condition of gainful employment. And if left unchecked by the authorities having jurisdiction to combat such an ongoing atrocity, most likely it will find an additional cause & effect destructive pathway, upon subsistence ways and means, the livelihood of many Alaskans that rely on such to survive. Especially in Prince William Sound, wherein this “Benzene” is being generated and will no doubt target the natural habitat relied upon by fish and wildlife. Such targeting can only deliver devastation as an end result. One wreck in the “Sound” was enough(EXXON Valdez), the environment should not be chastised again through this “Benzene” poisoning, when it is but for “Big Alaskan Oil” profiteering.

This action in request for intervention upon the above concern is consistent with the authority granted the Secretary under Title 43 Public Lands – Chapter 34 Trans Alaska Pipeline and for the record is so recited with special attention to what is outlined under (b); “Control and removal of pollutants at expense of right-of-way holder”:


 §1653. Liability for damages

(b) Control and removal of pollutants at expense of right-of-way holder

If any area in the State of Alaska within or without the right-of-way or permit area granted under this chapter is polluted by any activities related to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, including operation of the terminal, conducted by or on behalf of the holder to whom such right-of-way or permit was granted, and such pollution damages or threatens to damage aquatic life, wildlife, or public or private property, the control and total removal of the pollutant shall be at the expense of such holder, including any administrative and other costs incurred by the Secretary or any other Federal or State officer or agency. Upon failure of such holder to adequately control and remove such pollutant, the Secretary, in cooperation with other Federal, State, or local agencies, or in cooperation with such holder, or both, shall have the right to accomplish the control and removal at the expense of such holder.

Please honor this urgent request for “Intervention” to force the perpetrator, the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, to “Total Removal” of the “Benzene” pollutant that it generates in Valdez, Alaska. That mandate for this “Total Removal”, be it bold and heavy handed no other options, it was a condition established by Congress, when the interest to build the Trans-Alaska-Pipeline came to be and the interests did not challenge its restrictiveness - so it remains a “Law of the Land” in Alaska any “polluting” activities consistent with the pipeline’s operation. It meant the Congress was looking out for those that may be placed in harm’s way, yet many citizens and workers are today in that harm’s way pathway. It is time overdue wherein this “Total Removal” be demonstrated, else the Secretary should dismiss the Right-of-Way permit and thus “cease” the operation of the TAPS, until such time “We the People” can breathe a sigh of relief without “Benzene” interfering in our health.